Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

The Debatable DNA Testing - Discovering The Role Your Genes Play

How do you define DNA testing? It is specified testing that looks for the absence or presence of DNA sequences. It makes use of molecular methods like DNA chips, arrays, or polymerase chain reaction. Your genetic information is carried inside your cells nucleus, which contains the DNA material.  . . .

Deoxyribonucleic acid is the scientific terminology for DNA. DNA determines the cells behavior, function, and structure. What is great about DNA is that not only can it tell the identity of a person, but it can also give information about four thousand genetic conditions and diseases. Because DNA testing is becoming cheaper, this is the most popular form of testing. 

There are many uses of DNA testing. For example, to establish paternity DNA is often used. Paternity can also be established in an unborn child. This is done with amniocentesis or CVS (Chorionic Villi Sampling). The latter test is generally done in the early stages of a pregnancy between ten to thirteen weeks along.

To conduct the tests, the obstetrician will insert a needle into the abdomen of the mother. Another method is to vaginally insert a catheter with the aid of ultrasound, to collect the cells. To conduct the amniocentesis test, the obstetrician must collect fluid via the uterus, with the aid of ultrasound to guide them. This test is typically performed at weeks fourteen through twenty-four. Because these procedures are invasive, they should be thoroughly discussed with the obstetrician. 

Breakthroughs with DNA testing happen regularly. For example, now DNA tests can be useful when trying to determine your ancestry. You see, our DNA comes from both of our parents. In general, most areas of our DNA go through dramatic changes. However, there are some areas of the DNA do not change at all. Because of the changes and the things that do not change, the testing is able to link many generations together and reconstruct the history of families.

DNA testing has also become popular with those who have been adopted. This allows them to trace their ancestors and find biological parents. To perform this kind of testing, a doctor will typically rub a cotton swab on the inside of the patient's mouth. It is painless, easy, and quick, so this means even a baby can undergo this testing. The cheek contains DNA within the skin cells and after rubbed in the mouth, it will be on the cotton swab. Then the swab is sent to the laboratory to test the cells, analyze the DNA in the cells, and determine if there is a match within that family.

DNA is also used to solve crimes of a serious nature. DNA testing has been used to prove guilt or innocent in those that stand accused of felonies and serious crimes. DNA is also used, thanks to new technology, to determine an unborn child's sex. This test uses the DNA in the blood of the mother to define the sex of the child, because of the genetic fetal chromosomes found within the blood. This test can be before from week five and on in a pregnancy.

Lastly, DNA testing has been used to conduct an evaluation of health risks and health. The tests can even aid a person in weight loss by defining foods they crave. 


Deoxyribonucleic acid is the scientific terminology for DNA. DNA determines the cells behavior, function, and structure. What is great about DNA is that not only can it tell the identity of a person, but it can also give information about four thousand genetic conditions and diseases. Because DNA testing is becoming cheaper, this is the most popular form of testing.

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